Tuesday, September 25, 2012

& Hawkings Owes Higgs 100 Dollars

Last Wednesday - Friday I was blessed to volunteer for Story Chicago. It's an experience that happens once a year here in Chicago in which artists from all over travel to meet, and recharge- "fuel for the creative class".  This includes IT Web engineers, audio visual, artists, writers, photographers, graphic designers, Church planters, research & developers- you name it.  You know them creative types.

During the second day a man got up and spoke about letting go of outcome.  That man being the inventor and creator of Veggietales- that tanked, and he talked about that as well.  Ha.  Just like time, this is one of those- "hey yeah get with the program, the world revolves around that" sorts...of things.  Let go of outcome.  How come out come?  If we lived in a society in which our intentions were carefully crafted, our actions were carefully laid, and our outcome was left completely open- we would experience a freedom beyond anything we have ever known.  However,

We don't live in that sort of a society.  No, we live in a backwards society, a society in which we say, "this is the outcome I would like to achieve, let me build a road to make it there."  Therefore limiting ourselves to whatever our foolish selves can make up after our ___ number of years on this tiny revolving planet.  We decide our outcome before our outcome has a chance to develop on its own.  In this process we rush, we make things happen that would not have originally taken place- and of course in many instances this is great- we've walked on the moon- Hawkings owes Higgs 100 dollars...the point isn't that we shouldn't dream, it's that we shouldn't worry about the outcome.  We should spend that time on the intention of the immediate action at hand.

The outcome will happen, the best use of our time is dreaming & doing with the Creator of it all- coming from a place of relationship with God.  When we are able to rest in doing nothing (i'm paraphrasing) with God, that's when we will be able to fully create.  That is when we will be able to exceed all possible outcomes.  Our finished product is complete in Him.  We are complete in Him.  I can rest assured in knowing that I don't know what's going to happen next, because my eternity is right next to me all of the time.

Here are some collaged, copy & pasted verses from various Biblical websites to back up this jam:

do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. Phil 4:6

Romans 8:28

English Standard Version (ESV)
28 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good,[a] for those who are called according to his purpose.

Psalm 37:23-25

The isteps of a man are jestablished by the Lord,
when he delights in his way;
24 kthough he fall, he shall not be cast headlong,
for the Lord lupholds his hand.


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